Photo ©Al Macphee/MiraclePR
As we reach the autumn equinox and the temperatures start to cool, watching outdoor sports such as football and rugby can become a test of stamina. So why not turn that weekly ordeal into a hobby or, even better, a side hustle.
While many amateurs can take reasonably good sports pictures in sunshine and under clear blue skies, advanced sports photography requires the ability to take fantastic pictures despite the worst that autumn and winter can throw at us. That includes overcast skies, torrential rain, freezing cold temperatures and, for the real sports photography master, pitch dark nights.
Published by nhActive, Al Macphee’s debut book, So, You Want to be a Sports Photographer has sold almost 200 copies in the UK and USA. It is an easy to read, comprehensive guide to mastering sports photography. Technical information (shutter speed, frame rate, white balance, aperture, film sensitivity, etc.) are presented on a ‘need to know’ basis before Al delves into the real art and business of professional sports photography, including:
- Getting the best out of people
- Understanding the game you’re shooting
- Preparing for each job
- Handling the unexpected
- Taking pictures in the rain
- Taking pictures at night or under floodlights
- Securing work year round
- and much more…
So the next time you’re standing on the side of a pitch or court, shivering in the autumn wind, consider putting that time to good use with Al’s sports photography book.