Sports book authors:
Read about our sports book authors below:
Al Macphee
Al started taking photos with the armed forces in 1981, honing his action photography skills in various conflict zones and humanitarian operations. He then moved into TV and film-making before earning a place on the exclusive Royal List, permitting him to photograph the Royal Family on visits around the world.
In 1998, Al came to sunny Devon for a holiday and liked it so much he settled. He now shares his dream house in Paignton with his partner, cat and two dogs.
Al runs his own small photography business. Much of his work involves sports, especially football, cycling, triathlons, rugby and equestrian events.
Al’s debut book, So, You Want To Be A Sports Photographer was published by nhActive on 13th December 2022.
Download the media sheet below and visit Al’s blog for more information.